Thursday 21 November 2013

Chasing Youth



Basic Information of Chasing Youth

Author: Michael J. Weiss
Case Number:
Publication Date: Oct 1, 2002
Course Category:

Case Summary of Chasing Youth

Across the nations, Baby Boomers (turning 50 at the rate of 7 per minutes) are doing whatever it takes to hang on to their youth.
1. Most popular cosmetic procedure: Botox treatments.
2. American underwent 1.6 million injections – a whopping 2,356 percent increase over 1996.
3. People will live longer - > (Boomers -> 90 years old. Grandchildren -> 120)

Clairol Research -> “The guy without the gray was viewed as more successful, smarter and more athletic”.

19 % adults admit to actively resisting aging.
35% of boomer women have tried anti-aging cosmetics.,
53% of boomer women use hair color
66% engage in regular physical exercise
10% cosmetic surgery

1. Many spent $1,000/month to inject human growth hormone. (but no one knows the long term impact)
2. Anti-aging beauty products have jumped 24% to $374M in 5 years.
3. Many turned to surgery – cosmetic plastic surgery patients increased 11 times in 5 years to 5.6M. Botox last for only 4 months. (steady revenue.)
4. Boomers believe in rejuvenating cosmetic surgeries.

1. Viagras - > The first 3 weeks of Viagra -> 94% of all new prescriptions.
2. Research: 200+ new compounds aimed at tackling aging.
3. Many sports medicine doctors become Anti-Aging specialists.
4. Possible future -> Stem-Cell Research

1. Wilson -> lighter weight tennis rackets and golf clubs
2. Salomon -> lighter skis
3. Nike & Adidas -> trimmed back the weight on shoes and clothing.
4. Take functional foods and drinks. Soy Milks.
     -Vitamins and supplements are popular -> SoBe Beberages, Reebok Fitness Waters and Aquafina Essentials. (minerals, electrolytes, vitamins…)

1. Don’t portray customers too old because they don’t want to hear it.
2. Don’t want your image to appear too young because you alienate them.

Major Problems to target the group:
1. Staffers at many ad agencies are too young.
2. The target customers themselves are admittedly hard to pin down. (Boomers have not figured out who they are due to many factors like empty nest, divorce, death of a spouse, etc).

Survey shows that, Older Americans, ages 55 to 64, are more likely to be satisfied with themselves and their looks.
-> Boomers will feel better about themselves in a few years!

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