Thursday 21 November 2013

xerox case

Xerox “Eureka” Project – Potential project benefits
  1. Cost reduction & efficiency
1.    Reduced time on site leads to more visits per day/engineer – could be used as the basis for a performance appraisal system by recording your log ins and your activities
2.    Can check Eureka before visit to identify possible cause of failure thus accelerate diagnosis once on site
3.    Improved forecasting of required parts reduces stockholding – frees up capital
4.    May carry out preventative maintenance during visit thus preventing failures – costs more in terms of paying early for failure – but you get an improvement in the customer service – better for it not to fail, plus you've already spent the money to deploy the engineer so you might as well reduce costs of having to go out again
5.    Reduces call escalation costs
6.    Data provides early warning of component failure
7.    Real-time updating of knowledge-base – all held in one place – the importance of storing data as one single place, is ideally organised so that there is only one copy of any one piece of data required – you shouldn't need to recreate the wheel – the costs of updating all the manuals is high
8.    Quality and accuracy of content of knowledge base continually reviewed
9.    Reduces quantity of paper and hence admin costs – also more eco friendly
10. Reduces training time
  1. Improved customer service
1.    Better quality user instructions
2.    Provides quicker information to customer on new product post-launch adjustments – global company on photocopiers that are susceptible to environmental conditions – e.g.
  1. Benefits to product development
1.    Provides good benchmarking data
  1. Benefits to organisational development
1.    Encourages cultural change to technology acceptance
2.    Motivated by acceptance of success
3.    Good “demonstrator” project for KM
4.    Address attrition/loss of engineers and expertise
5.    Strengthens communities
  1. Future opportunities
1.    Should we allow customers to access?
2.    Capture ideas
3.    Integrate “Eureka” into the organisational systems – increases the costs...

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